Our lives were blessed yet again on November 6, 2008 at 11:08 a.m. We welcomed Olivia into the world. She weighed 8 lbs. 7 ozs. and 20 1/2 inches long. Alan was in the OR with me and got to watch the entire thing, of which he enjoyed every minute. They let him move around the room and take pictures. He was able to stay with Olivia while the pediatrician checked her out. She received an 8 on her Apgar at 1 minute after birth and a 10 on Apgar 5 minutes after birth. I was able to touch her and kiss her for a few minutes while Alan held her. Then I had to go to recovery and she went to the nursery. I stayed in recovery for about 30 minutes and then headed to my room. They hadn't even bathed her yet because she was acting very hungry so I got to nurse right away. It was amazing that less than 1 hour after her birth, I was able to nurse. I didn't even see Abby until about 8 hours after she was born :( We stayed at the hospital until Sunday afternoon. Alan stayed with me except for Saturday night because I wanted him to be home with Abby. Abby has been a wonderful big sister so far and such a big help. There are no signs of jealousy yet so I am hoping that it continues this way. Olivia had mild jaundice and was on the bililight at the hospital starting Saturday and we had to bring the biliblanket home. She is done with the lights now! She is a great baby and I am loving being the mom of 2!!! Alan went back to work on Thursday so I have been on my own the past 2 days and it has been busy but great! Here are a few pictures (Shauntelle....sorry to keep you waiting!)....
The Brave Little Soul!
11 years ago